August 21, 2007

I love sleeping.

i love sleeping...
It's the only time I float in nothingness...
No sadness to consume me...
No happiness to overwhelm me...
No fears to overcome...
No norms to conform to...

A place where time is but a concept.
Reality is bent.
And will is just waiting to happen.

A place where everything is twisted.
And I'm okay with that.

Know what you like... :)


i like silence. Enough to figure things out.
i like soft music. Soft enough to fall asleep.
i like sleeping. Couldn't get enough of it.
i like dreaming. Hate waking up and finding out-it's just s dream.
i like laughter. How i wish I could laugh all day.
i like having good conversation. Hate being with someone boring.
i like singing. Hate my twisted voice.
i like dancing. Hate body pains after.
i like eating. My body is too busy getting fats.
i like rain. It cleanses everything.
i like summer. Summer is fun though it triggers my asthma.
i like jokes. Have a good sense of humor.
i like rainbows. It never fails to cheer me up.
i like butterflies. I envy them.
i like puppies. They loved to be cuddled.
i like writing. It helps me with my emotions.
i like crying for no reasons at all. It makes my heart feel light.
i like pink. Next to purple and green.
i like being matured. Because it seldom happens.
i like reading. It always teaches something.
i like being in love. It makes the world go around.
i like being happy. It make the world brighter.
i like living life. And enjoys the twist and turns of it.