June 22, 2011

OZAKI iCoat for iPhone 4

A few days ago, Hubby surprised me with something I never ever (even in my wildest dream) thought he will give me.  An iPhone cover or i shall say covers?!

I fell in love with him more. It's kinda expensive (for protectors) He's not into wasting money for these kind of stuff, so Im really overwhelmed :) Plus, I owned almost a dozen of covers (of course! he didn't know, I'm good on hiding things)

 iCoat for iPhone 4

with iCoat invisible screen protector and a cleaning cloth.

Pearl White

 Metallic Purple

Metallic Pink


Metallic Red

Even though  I super love Pink (coz that's my fave color in the whole wide world) I didn't pick it right away. Guess what color I'm using now?! :D

Look what's missing...

Yup, I'm using GOLD. :)

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