May 21, 2013

New Polish

New in!!! Yay!!!

I've been meaning to get May for the longest time but every time I'm at the Chanel counter i feel like I have gazillion of pink and it's not so different from those. Well, except today ;)

Rose Exuberant is different coz I wanted it from the start but it's always out of stock. So when i saw the tester in front of the rack---my heart skipped a beat. Finally!!!!

Reviews on these beautiful shades soon ;) I'm absolutely happy :D

May 19, 2013

Mac Impassioned and Chanel Fracas

I posted these photos on my Instagram account (@chayesanchez) a few weeks ago.

"When i looked at my nails i knew that I have a very similar shade of lipstick. And i didn't had a hard time finding pit which one."

So here's Mac Impassioned and Chanel Le Vernis in Fracas.

Photo without flash then with flash.

May 17, 2013

Orly Witch's Blue

Metallic and Blue isn't really my thing on nail polish. I'm not really attracted to any shade of blue---nail polish or not nail polish. I kinda think that the sky is enough for me :) But Orly Witch's Blue changed that perception.

My first encounter with Witch's Blue happened 2 years ago at Posh Nails. I usually bring a nail polish but I changed my bag that morning before I leave. I decided to keep my nails- polish free that day but my nail tech is very nice and she keeps on telling me that I should try their new polish.  Being polite and all I let her paint my nails without checking it (coz I was too busy playing Farmville and Sally Salon, ha ha ha). I was literally shocked when I saw my left hand painted with blue polish. Oh wait, let me correct that--- it's Metallic Blue nail polish.

I was gonna ask her to remove it when a very nice old lady approach the nail tech and asked for the same color. She even commented that the color suits me well. Being polite again, I let her paint my right hand with the same color. i was thinking of removing it when I got home. But when Dear Husband saw it, he likes it and says "it looks good on you" so I slept with it. 

The next day I met with my friends for lunch and they're asking for the shade that I'm wearing. They even took a picture of my hands and they said-- it suits me well. I took a mental note that I should take a picture of my hands when I got home. I forgot about it that day. and the following day. On the 4th day I took the following photos: 

Pardon the photos above, I only use an iPhone 4 back then :)

After I looked on the photos, that's the only time I realized that it is really a beautiful shade. I searched and searched and it's always out of stock. And i forgot about it.

It was just last year (october-i think) when I got a text message from the Orly lady in PCX Alabang Town Center. They already re-stocked.  Finally! my own bottle of Witch Blue! i was a happy kid! 

Witch Blue is a metallic deep blue with a hint of shimmer that can easily be seen on the bottle rather than the nails. The formula is at it's best. The brush easily glides so you'll have a perfect application. Drying time is quick than most Orly's. You can pull off a single coat coz it's already opaque.

Orly Witch's Blue opens my interest on blue nail polish. Currently, I owned 5 shades from different brands but Orly Witch's Blue remains my favorite. :)

Tell me what's your favorite blue nail polish :)


Mac Morange

MAC Morange is a statement lipstick. You need a lot of guts to pull off a lipstick as bright and as gorgeous as this one. I dreamt of wearing this with just a powder and a newly waxed eyebrows :) 

I envy every girls who can easily pull this off. I ENVY THEM! 
Look how gorgeous it is. 

So I asked a friend if she can get me this shade along with 12 other shades from Mac-she agreed-and I was at my happiest. When my Nordstrom package arrives, this is the first thing I searched, opened and swatched. And Oh Boy! I literally cried in dismay! 

Don't get me wrong! Morange is a very beautiful shade, one of the most popular shade Mac has ever created. It is a bright orange---neon-y color--- BOLD, LOUD, GARISH for some. 

It is amplified finish---rich, creamy, pigmented and easy to apply as it glides so smoothly on my lips. One swipe is okay, double it to catch more attention. 

Photo above is taken without flash  and with direct sunlight. 

 Photo above is taken without flash with window lighting
See how it wash away my skin :(

I justified my first swatch with Morange. I was contemplating every now and then. Maybe I had a bad or terrible skin during my first try and maybe I need to be blemish free in order for me to pull this off. I then let it sit in my vanity for over a month before I had the courage to try it on again.

Apparently on my second time, it"s still the same. I think it washes out my entire face and the only thing that I can see in the mirror is my neon orange lips. No matter how I change my make up, I just couldn't feel comfortable. Husband says it looked okay on me but continues with "fuchsia is way better on you" hi hi hi i guess he just don't want to hurt my feelings. 

This is my different takes on Mac Morange. First photo is under ambient light, second photo is with flash and 3rd photo is under direct sunlight.

I also have a pink and pigmented lips so maybe it doesn't blend well with it. I really don't know why I can't looked okay with Mac Morange. I'm so disappointed with myself coz I know how gorgeous Morange is. 
