May 17, 2013

Orly Witch's Blue

Metallic and Blue isn't really my thing on nail polish. I'm not really attracted to any shade of blue---nail polish or not nail polish. I kinda think that the sky is enough for me :) But Orly Witch's Blue changed that perception.

My first encounter with Witch's Blue happened 2 years ago at Posh Nails. I usually bring a nail polish but I changed my bag that morning before I leave. I decided to keep my nails- polish free that day but my nail tech is very nice and she keeps on telling me that I should try their new polish.  Being polite and all I let her paint my nails without checking it (coz I was too busy playing Farmville and Sally Salon, ha ha ha). I was literally shocked when I saw my left hand painted with blue polish. Oh wait, let me correct that--- it's Metallic Blue nail polish.

I was gonna ask her to remove it when a very nice old lady approach the nail tech and asked for the same color. She even commented that the color suits me well. Being polite again, I let her paint my right hand with the same color. i was thinking of removing it when I got home. But when Dear Husband saw it, he likes it and says "it looks good on you" so I slept with it. 

The next day I met with my friends for lunch and they're asking for the shade that I'm wearing. They even took a picture of my hands and they said-- it suits me well. I took a mental note that I should take a picture of my hands when I got home. I forgot about it that day. and the following day. On the 4th day I took the following photos: 

Pardon the photos above, I only use an iPhone 4 back then :)

After I looked on the photos, that's the only time I realized that it is really a beautiful shade. I searched and searched and it's always out of stock. And i forgot about it.

It was just last year (october-i think) when I got a text message from the Orly lady in PCX Alabang Town Center. They already re-stocked.  Finally! my own bottle of Witch Blue! i was a happy kid! 

Witch Blue is a metallic deep blue with a hint of shimmer that can easily be seen on the bottle rather than the nails. The formula is at it's best. The brush easily glides so you'll have a perfect application. Drying time is quick than most Orly's. You can pull off a single coat coz it's already opaque.

Orly Witch's Blue opens my interest on blue nail polish. Currently, I owned 5 shades from different brands but Orly Witch's Blue remains my favorite. :)

Tell me what's your favorite blue nail polish :)


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